You’ll find scoring, and tips for how to use your style, and ideas for other styles to look into at the end.
Please answer the following 12 questions with your instinctual reactions (don’t overthink them). Grab a piece of paper and number it 1-12. Then record your answer 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 for each question
You’ll find scoring, and tips for how to use your style, and ideas for other styles to look into at the end.

Home Styling Quiz

1 / 12

1) Which set of words most attracts you:

2 / 12

2) Which lamp do you like the best? (Lighting Source- Dot & Bo)

3 / 12

3) What would you just love to hear someone say when they come into your home?

4 / 12

4) Which chair do you like the best?

5 / 12

5) Someone gave you some wood and offered to make furniture. How would you like to see the wood finished?

6 / 12

6) What kind of colors do you tend to gravitate towards?

7 / 12

7) Which pillow do you like the best?

8 / 12

8) Which chandelier do you like the best? (Lighting Source- Dot & Bo)

9 / 12

9) Which is most important to you? That what you buy is…

10 / 12

10) What kind of metal finishes do you prefer?

11 / 12

11) Which side table do you love?

12 / 12

12) Which is your dream living room?

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